HB Logistic BD

Website Design Project for HB Logistic

Project Overview

 Avista Digital was tasked with designing a cutting-edge website for HB Logistic Bangladesh, a leading logistics and supply chain management company. Our objective was to create a digital platform that effectively showcases their services, enhances client engagement, and strengthens their market presence.


  1. Brand Representation: Create a website that aligns with HB Logistic’s brand identity and communicates their expertise and reliability.
  2. User-Friendly Experience: Design an intuitive and seamless user experience for visitors.
  3. Service Highlight: Highlight HB Logistic’s wide range of services and solutions in an engaging manner.
  4. Responsive Design: Ensure the website is fully responsive and accessible on all devices.
  5. SEO Optimization: Optimize the site for search engines to improve visibility and attract more traffic.

Key Features:

  1. Professional Design: A clean, professional design that reflects HB Logistic’s commitment to excellence and reliability.
  2. Easy Navigation: Simple and intuitive navigation to allow users to easily find information about services, company history, and contact details.
  3. Service Integration: Detailed service pages that clearly outline the logistics solutions offered by HB Logistic.
  4. Client Portal: A secure client portal for real-time tracking and management of shipments.
  5. Contact and Inquiry Forms: Easy-to-use forms for inquiries and quotes, enhancing lead generation and customer interaction.
  6. Multilingual Support: Content available in multiple languages to cater to a diverse client base.

Design and Development Process:

  1. Discovery and Research:

    • Conducted in-depth research on HB Logistic’s business model, target audience, and competitive landscape.
    • Engaged with key stakeholders to understand their vision, goals, and specific requirements.
  2. Wireframing and Prototyping:

    • Developed detailed wireframes to map out the website’s structure and user journey.
    • Created interactive prototypes to present the design concept and gather feedback.
  3. Design and Development:

    • Implemented a modern design with HB Logistic’s branding elements, ensuring visual coherence and professional appeal.
    • Utilized the latest web technologies to build a robust, scalable, and high-performance website.
  4. Testing and Launch:

    • Performed comprehensive testing across various devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
    • Worked closely with HB Logistic during the launch phase to ensure a seamless rollout.

Outcome: The new website for HB Logistic Bangladesh was launched successfully, receiving positive feedback for its professional appearance, ease of use, and informative content. The website has significantly improved HB Logistic’s online visibility, client engagement, and service delivery.

Client Testimonial: “Avista Digital has delivered an outstanding website that truly captures our brand and meets our business needs. Their attention to detail, creative approach, and technical expertise have been exceptional. We highly recommend Avista Digital for their professional web design services.” – Abdul Hamid, Chairman, HB Logistic Bangladesh.

Visit the Website: HB Logistic Bangladesh

Technologies Used:

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • AngularJS
  • WordPress CMS
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption
  • SEO Tools and Plugins

Contact Us: For more information about our web design services or to discuss your project, please contact Avista Digital at:

At Avista Digital, we are dedicated to creating digital solutions that elevate your business. Partner with us to transform your online presence and achieve your goals!


ThemeTags Creative Agency


January 18, 2022


Design and Development