Job Details

Objectively restore stand-alone markets rather than enterprise-wide products. Uniquely underwhelm best-of-breed mindshare through adaptive niches. Seamlessly parallel task open-source content without resource-sucking technology.

Job Responsibilities

  • Create, implement, and own our link-building strategy
  • Look for relevant websites and people to request backlinks from
  • Audit the status quo of our content to identify backlink opportunities
  • Perform active outreach to reach and engage potential backlink donors
  • Reach out to donors through email, social media, forums, or any other channel that will help us achieve our goals
  • Provide recommendations to our Content and SEO teams on how we can improve our chances of gaining high-quality backlinks
  • Consistently monitor our website’s backlink profile and performance and report back to higher management

Skill & Experience

  • Experience working as a Link Builder or as an SEO professional with link-building experience
  • Broad knowledge of SEO, Content Marketing, and their best practices
  • Extensive experience reaching out to potential backlink donors
  • Ability to negotiate terms and conditions to reach a backlink agreement
  • Strategic mindset that allows you to build and own an effective link-building strategy
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbally
  • Highly structured and organized in your working
  • A creative mindset that allows for out-of-the-box thinking to attract backlinks in creative ways
Avista Digital Best SEO Agency in Bangladesh

Job Overviews

  • Location:


  • Job Title:

    SEO Expert (Link Building)

  • Days


  • Salary:


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